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Well, I am happy to report that we have had a few people step up to chair our vacant positions and I thank them very much. We still have 2 positions left to fill, Membership and Sick and Visiting. If you can find the time to help us out in either of these please email me at; Our entertainment has proven very popular thanks to Gerry O'Doherty hard work. Please check our entertainment schedule on our website, or Facebook Comox Legion Branch 160 I know that I may be starting this a bit early but here goes. We will( in the fall) be recruiting for volunteers to help with our poppy campaign. We will need canvassers for our 5 poppy box routes and mall poppy donations. Our poppy chair would like to get an early start on this. In closing I would like to thank all the volunteers who help to make our legion a welcoming place for all our members and patrons.I was given the latest membership list dated 2024-02-24. Gerry Maillet, President Br 160, Comox

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CSO responsibilities and the LCF, Legion Veterans Benefit Guide The Command Service Officer or CSO, Randy Stewart, is a full time paid member of the Legion who has the training and can get access to your medical records, military employment records and VAC claims. Everything he does is confidential between the veteran and himself, but the BSO is there to help you with forms and updates. The Legion Claim Form or LCF once completed gives the CSO authorization to tell VAC to give him access to your files. The BSO (Branch Service Officer) will complete the LCF and with photo ID, it is forwarded onto the CSO. The CSO then sends it onto VAC who digitizes your files and forwards them to the CSO. This normally takes 6 to 8 weeks, but at times this takes longer if your files have been sent to the archives. And also, how busy the CSO is as he does veteran claims from all over the island. Upon receipt of your files, the CSO then reviews it and completes the initial application on your behalf, and then eventually you get a wad of paperwork. Again, depending on how complicated your claim is, and matter of personal preference on which one to use. how big your file is, will determine the length of time before you get your claim from the CSO. The CSO does explain what you have to do in a cover letter, and then you get to complete the rest of your application. The main sections you need to put a great deal of thought into is how your service contributed to the claimed disability. And then there is the Quality of Life, QOL, forms that must be completed. And a form your doctor has to complete. If you have questions on how to fill out the forms, the BSO can help -3- as I have done many forms to date. The Legion has a great handout titled: Legion Veterans Benefit Guide 2023. Download a copy, or request a copy from me or the CSO. It has a step-by-step guide on filling out the various forms. If you have any problems, this is where I can come in and help. Cheers, Donald, Comox Legion Branch Service Officer


Quite a few Bursary Applications received this year which we are happy to receive. I hope to have a committee set up this coming week for the decision findings.


Val Greenlaw,

Poppy Chair

Comox Branch 160 Royal Canadian Legion,

BC/Yukon Command

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